As a young adult, I made the connection with what I ate and how I felt, how restfully I slept, my mood/attitude, and even my daily energy and future outlook. When insomnia threatened to take me down in my early parenting days, I discovered how the physiological effects of low blood sugar resulted in symptoms almost identical to depression. A fire ignited.

Initially the changes focused on me and my family, and then gradually others, and still others. And the ripples continued. Raising a family, assisting extended family through medical crises, researching, keeping my finger on the pulse of latest science, teaching advanced core sciences, taking up endurance sports in mid-life, witnessing the cost of healthcare (sick-care) rise while the true health of most Americans declines, requests to speak and educate network and business groups, all catapulted me into helping others take charge of their unique gift: their remarkably beautiful and resilient body!

I long for others to feel strong and energetic and to live their purpose fully. Additionally, I believe each person is created to reflect the beauty and joy of their Creator. Each one of us is uniquely important to the grand story of life. Because we are both physical and spiritual beings, neither can be separated from the other. Our strength and energy come from both. Therefore, our lifestyle choices, what we eat, whether we exercise, how we manage stress, even who we hang around, impact our physical and spiritual flourishing. I find ways to breathe new life into others’ lives. Coaching in tandem for LIFE!

Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation, Auburn University
Nationally Board Certified Functional Medicine Health & Wellness Coach, FMCA
Coach, Educator, Speaker, Mentor